While the bed head look might be cute and trendy, healthy-looking, bouncing and behaving hair is an indicator of your health and youth. Hair that has lost its shape and sheen will not only make you look strapped for time or downright lazy, it can also make you appear older than you are. Be wary of these six mistakes that will add years .Length
When it comes to length, finding the right length is very important. If your hair is too long, it can make your face and your features look elongated as well. A dragged-down mouth and mopey face, combined with hair that is dull, dry, and brittle is a girls worst nightmare!
If you love long hair, be sure to deep condition regularly to keep your hair silky smooth. Going too short may also be a mistake if it’s left to its own, as you risk looking like the dreaded Soccer Mom. You don’t need to drop your ‘do just because you’ve hit a certain decade. Find a good hair stylist and rely on family and good friends to give you good feedback. Then as long as you keep your hair healthy and your cut up to date, you’ll look congruent.
Too Dark
When your hair starts getting those salt-and-peppery grays, it can be tempting to dye it back to a darker, more rich hair color. Be careful when doing this, that you don’t go overboard and get your hair too dark. It’s a common problem which keeps corrective hair color services in salons a big money-maker!Thinning hair that is too dark, may make your scalp peek through. Coloring a shade or two lighter may alleviate that problem. Additionally, jet black hair often makes every feature pop . . . emphasizing every wrinkle and every line.
Too Cool
Hair and skin naturally fall into cool and warm tones. When you dye your hair a cool color, your skin can look washed-out from the cool tones. This is especially true as you get older as skin naturally loses warmth as you age. Your skin looks older than it is, artificially adding years to how you look..Too Light
Just like length, you can also look older than you are by taking your hair color too light. If your hair is the same shade of lightness as your skin, it can make you look washed out .Styling Faux Pas
What you use on your hair can have as much of an aging impact as the cut and color of your hair. You probably know that shampooing your hair too often can dry it out. If you rely on a curling iron or flat-iron to style your hair, your hair can quickly begin to look dull, frizzy, and fried. Definitely not sexy. Be careful of high ammonia dyes and bleach. Your biggest ally is always to condition, condition, condition!Going Gray
Going gray is a personal choice and more and more baby-boomers are seen going that route. That said, there are grays that make you look distinguished and grays that make you look old.Stay silver and foxy by preventing the grays from yellowing. Use bluing shampoos to keep your white, white and silver, silver. Use UV filters and shine serums to keep those silver strands shiny. And, don’t forget to get a fabulous cut for your face shape and keep it trimmed!