Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Should I Wear Body Mists or Perfumes?

Ladies, have you ever gone looking for your favourite perfume, only to find a body spray version of the same for a lesser price? If yes, you probably have the same dilemma that many hundreds of us have! What is better to use on a day to day basis: Body Spray or Perfume? There are some women who stick with perfume through thick and thin, while there are others who find body spray the best way to go. The ladies at Team Ladyblush feel that both are important and have their place in a women's stock of sweet fragrances and can be used according to the situation.

The main difference between a body mist and a perfume is the content. Perfumes are a mixture of extracts, alcohol and water, while body sprays are a watered down version of the same. Since the amount of extracts in the formulation are low, the fragrance does not last as long as perfume, but on the bright side it isn't as pungent either. They are also cheaper as compared to many perfumes, so they make for a wonderful substitute for the perfume that you can't afford just yet!

Another reason to use body sprays is that they can be sprayed onto clothes, without having to worry about them getting damaged or getting stains. Carrying it about in your bags and clutches is much easier than carrying about perfume, since it does not spill or evaporate as easily. And more than that, it is the best way to have a distinctive fragrance about you without becoming overbearing

(Great deals on Perfumes, Body Mists and Everything else only on Ladyblush.com!)

There is an ancient saying that if a man wishes to marry a woman, he presents her with a bottle of perfume! This just goes to show how perfume is a sign of deep and lasting commitment and impressions. The best time to use a perfume is when there is a special occasion that requires something special. After all, if you wear your Chanel No. 5 every day, it doesn't seem all that special.

Perfumes mix in well with evening soirees and parties, where their presence is marked by appreciation. They are stronger is scent, which makes sure that your personality comes out in full force thanks to the wonderful fragrance. Dabs of perfume are best worn right after having a bath, which allows for the skin to absorb the scent and let it linger for the day! 

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