Sunday, 13 May 2012

Maintaing straight hair

Hello !

Straight and sleek hair look very chic and stylish. But, we know that they're also very difficult to maintain. Dryness of the hair is very easily spotted on straight hair and other damages like split ends and weak hair also are very evident and easy to spot.

Here's are a few ways of taking care of your lovely hair!
  • Use a brush with gaps in the teeth...close gapped hair brushes tend to be harsh on your hair.
  • Use a mild shampoo, avoid 2 in one shampoos as they tend to dry out your hair.
  • Massage your scalp while you are shampooing your hair, it activates the hair cells and give life to your hair.
  • Avoid using hair dryers, if u must, opt for an ionic hair dryer.
  • Use a protective serum on your hair befor you hair dry them , this will protect them from getting damage due to heat.
  • After taking a head bath , DO NOT brush your hair as now is the time when your hair at weak at the roots, they tend to break . If you must straighten them out, use your fingers to do the job.
These precautions will definitely help you keep you hair nice and shining ! :)

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